X:218 T:Corner House, The M:C| R:Reel L:1/8 B:Treoir 1974 N:This version, which incidentally is sometimes with "Down the Broom" is the setting N:favoured by the Castle Ceili Band. K:G % AG | EAAG A2 Bd | eg ~g2 edBA | ~G3 B AEGE |DEGB AGED | GABG A2 (3Bcd | eg ~g2 edBA | GABd gedB |GABG A2 :| (3Bcd | eaag a2 ga | bgaf gedB |~d3 e ~g3 a | bgaf g2 fg | eg ~g2 a2 ga | bgaf gedB |GABd gedB | GABG A2 :|