X:505 T:Trip to Birmingham, The R:Reel M:C| L:1/8 C: B:Treoir 1992 N:"The Baltimore Salute" and "The Trip to Birmingham" were composed by Josie N:McDermott, R.I.P. These two tunes were played in Shivnan's Funeral Home, Ballyfarnon N:while Josie's coffin was closed and taken out to the hearse. K:G % E | DGGF G2 Bd | e2 ed edBA | G2 GB dGBG |ABAG EG D2 | DGGF G2 Bd | efed efga | bg g2 ageg |dBAB G3 :| B | dggf g2 ga | bgag edBA |G2 GB dGBG | ABAG EG D2| [1dggf g2 ga | bgag edBA |G2 GB dGBG | AGFA G3 :| [2dg g2 ag g2 | bgag edBA |G2 GB dGBG | AGFA G3 |]