X:710 T:Mountain Pathway, The B:Treoir 2004 M:2/4 L:1/8 R:polka N:The Return of Spring and the Mountain Pathway were also recorded by James Morrison N:in New York in early 1936. K: Gmaj % B2 BG/B/|dc c>d|ed d/e/f/g/|a/g/f/a/ gf| e2 e>e|e/d/^c/e/ d2|d/f/a/f/ d/f/a/f/|d/f/a/f/ g2:| g/f/ |gd gd/g/|ba g>f|ec ec/e/| gg e/f/g/e/| d/e/d/B/ GB|d/e/d/B/ GA/B/|cA F>G|AG G2:|