Sonraí le haghaidh: Tuhy's Frolic
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- Eochairfhocail
Tada fós
- Gléas
- D Major
- Áit Foilsithe
- Dublin
- Ré Foilsithe
- 1970s
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T:Tuhy's Frolic
R:Double Jig
B:Treoir 1976
N:This tune was taken from O'Farrells Pocket Companion for the Irish Union
N:Pipes'; a collection of 200 odd Irish and Scotch tunes published in the first decade
N:of the 19th century.
A | dcd AGF | DED AGF | dcd AGF |EFA B2 c |
dfd AGF | DED AGF | G3 FAd |EFA B2 :|
c | d2 e fdB | Bcd ecA |dfe fdB | ecA B2 c |
dfe fdB | Bcd ecA | dcB AGF | EFA B2 :|
c |dDD ADD | BDD AGF | dDD AGF | EFA B2 c |
dDD ADD | BDD AGF | G3 FAd | EFA B2 :|
d |(3fgaf fdB | efe ecA | (3fgaf fdB |ecA B2 c |
dfa fdB | Bcd edc | dcB AGF | EFA B2 :|