Sonraí le haghaidh: Knocknagow
Maidir leis an gcumadóireacht seo
- Eochairfhocail
Tada fós
- Gléas
- G Major
- Áit Foilsithe
- Dublin
- Ré Foilsithe
- 1990s
Search for 'Knocknagow' on
- Connollys/Knocknagow (Siamsa Céilí Band)
- Knocknagow (Johnny O'Leary agus Denis Murphy)
- Knocknagow/ (Ballinakill Céilí Band)
- Drowsy Maggie/Knocknagow/Flogging (Patsy Touhey)
- Knocknagow/Chattering Magpie (Joe Burke, Seamus Cooley agus Seamus Mac Mathúna)
- Knocknagow (Joe Burke)
- Drowsy Maggie/Knocknagow/Flogging (Patsy Touhey)
- Drowsy Maggie/Knocknagow (Eleanor Kane, John McGreevy agus Unknown)
- Drowsy Maggie/Knocknagow/Flogging (Patsy Touhey)
- Knocknagow (John McKenna)
- Knocknagow/Fowling Piece (Ballinakill Céilí Band)
- Knocknagow/Fowling Piece (Ballinakill Céilí Band)
- Knocknagow/Fowling Piece (Ballinakill Céilí Band)
- Maid at the Spinning Wheel/Knocknagow/Limestone Rock (Leon Rowsome)
- Knocknagow (Joe Burke)
- Knocknagow/Untitled (Various Concert Group)
- Untitled/Knocknagow (Deirdre Collis)
- Knocknagow (Peter McKenna)
- Jigs: The Old Walls Of Liscarroll/The Knocknagow (Ronan Greene)
- Double Jigs: The Knocknagow/The Caves Of Kiltannon (Sarah O'Gorman agus Paul Clesham)
Nodaireacht 'ABC'
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B:Treoir 1997
N:Recorded in London in November 1931 by the old Ballinakill C\'eil\'i Band (two
N:fiddles, two flutes, piano), from East Galway.
B | cE E2 cded | cE E2 G2 AB | cE E2 cded |cABG A2 AB |
cE E2 cded | cE E2 G2 AB | c2 cB cded |cABG A2 :|
Bd | eaag efed | cdef g2 fg |eaag efed | cABG A2 Bd |
eaag efed | cdef g2 fg |afge fded | cABG A2 :|